The New Me

Rotterdam, The Netherlands

In doing nothing or no-thing clarity enters my being. From this space I allow myself to drop deeper and find the flow, a creative flow. 
This flow is much bigger than I used to know and experience. It is a flow where the creative or creator is present in my being. I allow the creator to move through my being. It asks a total allowance to let this proces happen. It is a highly creative force, it is flowing in abundance and is a very hold and interconnected space. 

No wonder that my body is in pain at times of non-allowance. It is this new dance what creates the new me. It is this new overflow of intelligence and wisdom what gives me new arms and hands to serve the world. This way of serving the world is effortless and is from a higher state of consciousness. 
I am in between the new and the old, shedding my skin, to step into my new body which fits me perfectly, but because its new it is also an unknown territory. At times I step back into my old body, but it is too tight now, it hurts. 
A dance between the old and the new, shedding my skin, taking it of layer by layer. I feel freedom entering my being. A freedom in creation, an allowance to let it unfold, a joy to make it into a realisation, a realisation of the new me.