18. September 2017
Learning to play BIG, how does this change my life? Playing mini-me is not serving me and the world. So what is my choice really? I don't have a choice. I don't want to play mini-me anymore as it is not satisfying me in any way. To play big-me is new for me, I got to understand that some radical changes are needed: 1. Dream BIG: I am learning to dream big. Learning, because in the beginning I didn't believe a thing I was dreaming and that doesn't help the manifestation at all. I am doing my...
17. September 2017
Is there a difference between being interested and being committed? Many times people say (including myself) things like, 'I really would like to make more money', 'I really like to make a difference in this world', etc. It's merely statement, saying, 'I am interested in having this happen, if I don't have to do anything' or even thinking 'when I serve the world, the Universe will serve me'. That's NOT power! It's a weak prayer made without faith to bring it into action. Most people stay in the...
09. September 2017
What is truth? What is THE truth! What is my truth? I have been shaken up and down by letting go of my truth and create a new truth. What is my truth? My truth was based on stories, experiences and imprints of OTHERS. My truth is based on the truth of others. How to find MY truth? I learned there is no such thing as THE truth. Everybody has his/her experience, blueprints, conditionings in life and it is impossible to have the same truth. To be honest, after this revelation, I had no clue what...
12. May 2017
Recently many people asked me how I am doing as I turned a bit quiet. Well, I entered a new world. The world of finances and it does make me quiet as it really is swirling me around. It shakes my beliefs and ideas up into the air and dropping me on the ground again...I start to see the world with different eyes, I am entering a new reality. People who know me, know that freeing myself was always my main goal and over the last 2 years I challenged myself by bringing myself to the edge by letting...
01. April 2017
I am being so much confronted about how money influences my life. I want to share this as their is so much taboe around it for me as well. I guess I wanted to be abundant for the outside world, but so far it is not this physical reality. I am facing this big lack and fear already my whole life, intensifying it since 2 years when I left my job and the last 3 months even more by jumping big time, to discover and heal the wounded parts around my theme of lack of money. I mostly am open and...
25. March 2017
Shaken and woken up by Mother Bali A few days ago we had an earthquake on Bali. While I was meditating the bed started to tremble. It noticed it but it didn't disturb, but the sounds of the doors and windows did. It lasted about 30 seconds I was told later. The whole island was shaken up and woken up. Earlier this week 3 million indonesian rupees (a little over 200 euros) disappeared, including my medical kit. I sensed a strange energy coming into my room while I was taking a shower. I stepped...
18. March 2017
Yesterday I came back to Ubud after finishing my pilgrimage. WOW...what an immense shift I have been going through. The whole journey home I was singing on my motorbike 'today is the first day of the rest of my life'. And...being back in Ubud is living in the new paradigm. Si ce yesterday soooooo much shifted into a new life. The vibration just pulls me in. I feel my humbleness and the sweetness in the surrendering while I say YES to the New and I am so ready to live it. To live in the new...
10. February 2017
Heaven, you were in my life for less than 2 hours and it will always be remembered. Nirmal and me came back from a meditation moment and swim at the waterfall nearby Ubud. Still a bit floating in the other dimension we arrived at our scooter and...there...we met you. You were crawling around, flies were all over you and you were obviously very bothered by it. You were moving around to get rid of the flies untill your eye catched us. You started to crawl towards us and reaching out for our help...
30. May 2016
People often tell me: 'The way you live your life is amazing and very courageous to do. For a long time it is a wish for me to do this as well. You doing it, inspires me'. I travel around the world to the most amazing places, meet great people AND meet great challenges as well. It is not an easy path, but for sure the most rewarding one... When I can do it, you can do it! The journey of the Soul is one of grace, flow and divinity. It is a constant flow of the new coming through. For our...
16. February 2016
One year ago I was depressed, went through deep dark nights of the Soul, to do with the ending of a relationship. My heart was in deep pain. It was very intense, but it was needed to free mySELF for the big shift to happen. I choose, I choose to live, I choose for happiness, MY happiness and I started to create a new story, a much better one... My heart was in pain, but I choose to surround myself with happiness. I also choose to reach out and to share my dark nights with my beloveds. Something...

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